According to Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of
Chemicals (GHS) - Sixth revised edition
Version: 1.0
CreationDate:Aug 16, 2017
RevisionDate:Aug 16, 2017
1.1 GHS Product identifier
Product name phenazine
1.2 Other means of identification
Product numberOther
names Phenazine
1.3 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use
Identified uses For industry use only.
Uses advised against no dataavailable
1.4 Supplier's details
1.5 Emergency phone number
Emergency phone numberService
hours Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm(Standard timezone:UTC/GMT +8 hours).
2.Hazard identification
2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture
2.2 GHS label elements, including precautionary statements
Pictogram(s) No symbol.
Signal word No signalword.
Hazard statement(s) none
Precautionary statement(s)
Prevention none
Response none
Storage none
Disposal none
2.3 Other hazards which do not result in classification
3.Composition/information on ingredients
3.1 Substances
Chemical name Common names and synonyms CAS numberECnumberConcentration
phenazine phenazine 92-82-0 none 100%
4.First-aid measures
4.1 Description of necessary first-aid measures
General advice
Consulta physician. Showthis safety datasheet to the doctor in attendance.
If inhaled
If breathed in, move person into fresh air. If not breathing, giveartificialrespiration. Consulta physician.
In case of skin contact
Wash offwith soap and plenty ofwater. Consulta physician.
In case ofeye contact
Rinsethoroughlywith plenty ofwater forat least 15 minutesand consulta physician.
If swallowed
Never giveanything bymouth to an unconscious person. Rinse mouthwithwater. Consulta physician.
4.2 Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed
no dataavailable
4.3 Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessary
no dataavailable
5.Fire-fighting measures
5.1 Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media
Use water spray,alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical orcarbon dioxide.
5.2 Specific hazards arising from the chemical
no dataavailable
5.3 Special protective actions forfire-fighters
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.
6.Accidental release measures
6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Use personal protectiveequipment. Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing vapours, mist or gas. Ensureadequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel
to safeareas. Avoid breathing dust. For personal protection seesection 8.
6.2 Environmental precautions
Prevent further leakage or spillageifsafeto do so. Do not let productenter drains. Dischargeinto theenvironmentmust beavoided.
6.3 Methods and materials forcontainment and cleaning up
Pick up and arrange disposal. Sweep up and shovel. Keep in suitable,closed containers for disposal.
7.Handling and storage
7.1 Precautions forsafe handling
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid formation of dustand aerosols. Avoid exposure- obtain specialinstructions before use.Provide
appropriateexhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed. For precautions seesection 2.2.
7.2 Conditions forsafe storage, including any incompatibilities
Storein cool place. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.
8.Exposure controls/personal protection
8.1 Control parameters
Occupational Exposure limit values
no dataavailable
Biological limit values
no dataavailable
8.2 Appropriate engineering controls
Handlein accordance with good industrial hygieneand safety practice. Wash hands before breaksand at theend ofworkday.
8.3 Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment (PPE)
Eye/face protection
Safety glasses with side-shieldsconforming to EN166. Useequipment foreye protection tested and approved underappropriate government
standards such as NIOSH(US) or EN 166(EU).
Skin protection
Wear imperviousclothing. Thetype of protectiveequipmentmust beselected according to theconcentration and amount ofthe dangerous
substanceat thespecific workplace. Handle with gloves. Gloves must beinspected prior to use. Use proper gloveremovaltechnique(without
touching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product. Dispose ofcontaminated glovesafter usein accordance with applicable
lawsand good laboratory practices. Wash and dry hands. Theselected protective gloves haveto satisfy thespecifications ofEUDirective
89/686/EEC and thestandard EN 374 derived fromit.
Respiratory protection
Wear dustmask when handling large quantities.
Thermal hazards
no dataavailable
9.Physical and chemical properties
Physicalstate yellowto brown crystalline powder
Colour no dataavailable
Odour no dataavailable
Melting point/ freezing point 145°C(dec.)(lit.)
Boiling point orinitial boiling point and boiling range 236°C/16mmHg(lit.)
Flammability no dataavailable
Lower and upperexplosion limit / flammability limit no dataavailable
Flash point 78°C(lit.)
Auto-ignition temperature no dataavailable
Decomposition temperature no dataavailable
pH no dataavailable
Kinematic viscosity no dataavailable
Solubility Inwater:insoluble
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water(log value) no dataavailable
Vapour pressure no dataavailable
Density and/orrelative density 1.25 g/cm3
Relative vapour density no dataavailable
Particle characteristics no dataavailable
10.Stability and reactivity
10.1 Reactivity
no dataavailable
10.2 Chemical stability
Stable under recommended storageconditions.
10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions
no dataavailable
10.4 Conditions to avoid
no dataavailable
10.5 Incompatible materials
no dataavailable
10.6 Hazardous decomposition products
no dataavailable
11.Toxicological information
Acute toxicity
Oral: no dataavailable
Inhalation: no dataavailable
Dermal: no dataavailable
Skin corrosion/irritation
no dataavailable
Serious eye damage/irritation
no dataavailable
Respiratory orskin sensitization
no dataavailable
Germcell mutagenicity
no dataavailable
no dataavailable
Reproductive toxicity
no dataavailable
STOT-single exposure
no dataavailable
STOT-repeated exposure
no dataavailable
Aspiration hazard
no dataavailable
12.Ecological information
12.1 Toxicity
Toxicity to fish: no dataavailable
Toxicity to daphniaand otheraquaticinvertebrates: no dataavailable
Toxicity to algae: no dataavailable
Toxicity to microorganisms: no dataavailable
12.2 Persistence and degradability
no dataavailable
12.3 Bioaccumulative potential
no dataavailable
12.4 Mobility in soil
no dataavailable
12.5 Other adverse effects
no dataavailable
13.Disposal considerations
13.1 Disposal methods
The materialcan be disposed of by removalto alicensed chemical destruction plant or by controlled incinerationwith flue gas scrubbing. Do not
contaminate water, foodstuffs, feed or seed by storage or disposal. Do not dischargeto sewer systems.
Contaminated packaging
Containerscan betriply rinsed (orequivalent)and offered for recycling or reconditioning. Alternatively, the packaging can be punctured to makeit
unusablefor other purposesand then be disposed ofin asanitary landfill. Controlled incinerationwith flue gas scrubbing is possibleforcombustible
14.Transport information
14.1 UN Number
14.2 UN Proper Shipping Name
14.3 Transport hazard class(es)
14.4 Packing group, if applicable
14.5 Environmental hazards
ADR/RID: no IMDG: no IATA: no
14.6 Special precautions for user
no dataavailable
14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code
no dataavailable
15.Regulatory information
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations specific forthe product in question
Chemical name Common names and synonyms CAS number ECnumber
phenazine phenazine 92-82-0 none
European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) Listed.
ECInventory Listed.
United States Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Listed.
China Catalog of Hazardous chemicals 2015 Not Listed.
NewZealand Inventory of Chemicals (NZIoC) Listed.
Philippines Inventory of Chemicals andChemical Substances (PICCS) Listed.
VietnamNational ChemicalInventory Not Listed.
Chinese ChemicalInventory of Existing Chemical Substances (China IECSC) Listed.
Information on revision
CreationDate Aug 16, 2017
RevisionDate Aug 16, 2017
Abbreviations and acronyms
CAS:ChemicalAbstracts Service
ADR:EuropeanAgreementconcerning theInternationalCarriage ofDangerous Goods byRoad
RID:Regulation concerning theInternationalCarriage ofDangerous Goods byRail
IMDG:InternationalMaritime Dangerous Goods
IATA:InternationalAir TransportationAssociation
TWA:Time Weighted Average
STEL:Short termexposurelimit
LC50:LethalConcentration 50%
LD50:LethalDose 50%
EC50:Effective Concentration 50%
IPCS - TheInternationalChemicalSafetyCards (ICSC), website:
HSDB- Hazardous Substances Data Bank, website:
IARC - InternationalAgency for Research onCancer, website:
eChemPortal- The GlobalPortalto Information onChemicalSubstances byOECD, website:
CAMEO Chemicals, website:
ChemIDplus, website:
ERG- EmergencyResponse Guidebook byU.S. Department ofTransportation, website:
GermanyGESTIS-database on hazard substance, website:
ECHA- EuropeanChemicals Agency, website:
Disclaimer: The above information is believedto be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive andshall be usedonly as a guide. The information in this
document is basedon the presentstate of our knowledge andis applicable to the product with regardto appropriate safety precautions. It does notrepresent any
guarantee of the properties of the product. We as supplier shall not be heldliable for any damage resulting fromhandling or fromcontact with the above product.